Nathan Thomas Nathan Thomas

Cargo for your various luggage

Fetching, setting and deleting data in localStorage with an expressive syntax.

Local storage

By default, localStorage will be used when creating a new instance:

let user = new Cargo("user");

Session storage

To use sessionStorage, which exists only within the pages session, just pass sessionStorage as a second argument when creating a new instance:

let user = new Cargo("user", sessionStorage);


The set method takes two parameters. The first parameter can be a string representing a specific key or a dot seperated list of keys. The second parameter is the value that is stored:

user.set("", {
    first: "Johnny",
    last: "Appleseed"

// {user: {profile: {name: {first: "Johnny", last: "Appleseed"}}}}


The get method takes a single parameter. The value can be a string representing a specific key or a dot seperated list of keys. If no match is found, undefined is returned.


// "Johnny"


The delete method takes a single parameter. The value can be a string representing a specific key or a dot seperated list of keys:


// {user: {profile: {name: {first: "Johnny"}}}}


The destroy method destroys all data stored at the specified key, essentially erasing everything under the instance:


// undefined